Kyle Robidoux: Running & Blindness

If you’ve ever felt limited by your circumstances or physical limitations, today’s episode is a must-listen. Back in 2010, Kyle was sick and tired of feeling terrible about himself and having a hard time playing with his daughter, so he decided to do something about it. Losing a large amount of weight by walking, and eventually running, is no easy task. After taking into account that Kyle is legally blind, the challenge is exponentially greater.
However, that didn’t stop him from pushing forward, crushing limitations, and finding creative ways to exercise and run, without a full view of what was around him. 10 years later Kyle is running ultras on and off-trail, running between 20-25 hours per week, and advocating for folks in his situation through his career.
Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours. - Richard Bach
Instagram: @blindbeerrunner
Twitter: @kyleRrobidoux
Photo: E. Walley Photography
ANNOUNCEMENT: The 2020 Athletic Brewing Adventure Grant
Here at Athletic Brewing, we are all about making a healthy and positive impact on not only ourselves but the world around us. That’s why we challenge our community and ourselves to do well by doing good.
This year, we want to make that challenge a little easier by rewarding $1,000 to an adventurer/athlete that is planning to make an enormous positive impact through an adventure they plan to do in 2020.
This can be everything from running across a state for a charity to climbing a mountain to raise awareness to paddle a bay for ocean cleanup efforts, etc. The possibilities are endless and it’s completely up to your imagination and self-planning abilities.
What is included?
- $1,000
- Promotion from Athletic Brewing on social media
- Athletic Brewing swag
- Post-adventure Podcast Interview
- Some amazing beer, obviously
When is the application open?
- January 31 - March 31
- The winner(s) will be selected April 10 and announced on our podcast
- You can still apply if your trip begins before April 10
Who can apply?
- Anyone that’s planning to do an adventure in 2020 in an effort to make the world a better place
- Must be 21+
- Both individuals and groups that are self-planning an adventure/challenge
Where can I apply?